WINTER ON FIRE covers the unrest in Ukraine over 93 days in 2013 and 2014, as student demonstrations supporting European integration grew into a violent revolution calling for the resignation of President Viktor F. Yanukovich. The film includes interviews with protestors, activists, journalists, medical workers, artists and clergy representing multiple generations, social classes, nationalities and faiths, including a 12-year-old volunteer. WINTER ON FIRE documents the fight of Ukranian protestors who stood their ground in the face of bloodshed, despair and harsh conditions.
Winter On Fire
Director | producer | Evgeny Afineevsky |
Writer | producer | Den Tolmor |
Executive producers | John Battsek | Christa Campbell | Adam Del Deo | Lati Grobman | Lisa Nishimura | Angus Wall |
Editor | Will Znidaric |
Composer | Jasha Klebe |