NBA ‘The Gift of Game’ By Dave Scanlon

NBA ‘The Gift of Game’

By Dave Scanlon

Dave Scanlon directs ‘The Gift of Game’ for NBA’s Christmas Day campaign, produced by PASSION PICTURES with agency Translation.

On the eve of Christmas, tiny NBA superstars come alive to compete in a 5 v 5 festive matchup.

From LeBron James to Steph Curry, the NBA action figures are animated using a distinctive CG technique, carefully crafted by the PASSION studio to mimic stop-motion animation, resulting in a remarkable handcrafted aesthetic seamlessly integrated into the live action scene.


Director Dave Scanlon
PASSION Studio Team Steven Riley, Suzanne Forward, Reem Mokhtar
Dimana Bratanova, Simon Brown, Doug Kennedy
Dave Walker, Aldo Gagliardi, Brendan Houghton
Jack Mumford, Clementine March, Joseph Giffard-Tutt
Gus Herdman, Tyler Daniells, Colin Perrett
Omar Lawal, Roxanne Martinez, Leo Viti
Arantxa Claudio, Florence Ciuccoli, Ian Brown
Yann Goument, Daniel Verbini, Aurelie Fiore,
James Nardelli, Greg Martin, Tyler Daniells,
Melina Mandon, Quentin Dubois, Kenny Wong,
Sauce Vilas, Kevin O'Sullivan, Jason Wellings
Colin Perrett, Rob Stipp, Melanie Hyvert,
Tom Martin-Davis, Andre Bittencour, Frederic Heymans,
Isabela Ferrari, Sam Meisels, Kitty Turley,
Juliette Stern, Patrick Duguid