Commissioned by Netflix and created by Tim Miller and David Fincher, Love, Death & Robots is a collection of 18 animated short stories that span the science fiction, fantasy, horror and comedy genres. The production united a global animation community, calling on the talents and unique perspectives of innovative animation studios, directors and artists from around the world – and we were delighted to be involved!
Zima Blue is a ten minute episode within Love, Death & Robots, directed by Robert Valley and produced by Cara Speller. Based on the original short story by Alastair Reynolds, Zima Blue is set thousands of years in the future and follows Claire Markham, a journalist invited to witness the unveiling of the artist Zima’s final piece. Zima is a colossal figure in the art world and a truly enigmatic individual – an exclusive interview is impossible to refuse. Claire accepts the invitation and discovers the origins of Zima’s existence, his journey to find his own truth, and the root of his obsession with the colour “Zima Blue”.
Watch the full episode on Netflix NOW.