After two hugely successful animated films, “Back to the start” in 2012 and “The Scarecrow” in 2013 — Chipotle and CAA teamed up with Passion to create “A Love Story”, an ambitious animated short directed by Passion Pictures’ Saschka Unseld.
The film was a huge undertaking of over 8 months at Passion Pictures’ animation studios in London. It comprised a huge crew to bring its story to life. Saschka commented; ‘I wanted to create something that visually felt unique and different to most of the other stuff that’s out there. This had 2 sides – the first was to really be true to original designs in CG – because so often the final result is nowhere near the beauty of an original design. The second thing was to be bold with our light, colour and shading.’
Director | Saschka Unseld |
Client | Chipotle |
Agency | CAA Marketing |