Tulips and Chimneys crafted ‘Snow’, a mixed-media animation for South African brand, Cerebos. The animation poignantly tells the story of Mpho, a little girl who dreams of snow, despite living in the deserted plains of Karoo. Her grandparents intervene to help her dreams come true with the help of Cerebos salt, which falls outside Mpho’s window giving the impression of snowfall.
To create ‘Snow’s distinct look, Tulips and Chimney used a combination of stop-motion and CG, creating miniatures in-house. It took the team four weeks to set up the miniature set, with the lounge requiring 24 different types of material and 31 loose items to create the kitchen. The end result is a beautifully crafted spot, drawing on Tulips and Chimney’s love of South Africa and their own personal memories of growing up in towns very similar to that of Mpho’s.