NoOne is a trio of 3D animation directors, composed of Clément, Thomas and Rémi, three French friends who met during their studies, and worked at UNIT and NKI. For a few years, they developed their careers separately, creating impressive short films focused on storytelling, science-fiction and fantasy characters such as ‘Pokemon Dark Edition’, ‘Parallel Timeline’, ‘Lost World’,…
Eventually, they collaborated on an exciting 3D CG segment for a Katy Perry music video and ever since then, the trio have joyfully directed multiple game trailers such as ‘Gates of Ethernity’ (with a focus on elevated dragon designs) and more recently Puzzle Royale (showcasing their talent for playful and realistic 3D rendering). NoOne have notably developed their own bespoke pipeline which provided them with great capacity and adaptability, making them a powerhouse in 3D animation.
The trio are especially drawn to intricate storytelling involving magical, futuristic worlds and creating unique, lovable characters. At the moment, they are actively developing a yet to be released 3D series for an enthralling fantasy game.